A 2016-ban elhunyt énekes-dalszerző-írónak a napokban jelent meg a The Flame (A láng) című posztumusz verseskötete, amiben a Kanye West is no Picasso is szerepel.
A legenda halála után rúg bele Kanye West amerikai rapperbe.

Mint a The Flame versében írja, Kanye West nem Picasso.
A verset alább olvashatod:
The Flame
Kanye West is not Picasso
I am Picasso
Kanye West is not Edison
I am Edison
I am Tesla
Jay-Z is not the Dylan of Anything
I am the Dylan of anything
I am the Kanye West of Kanye West
The Kanye West
Of the great bogus shift of bullshit culture
From one boutique to another
I am Tesla
I am his coil
The coil that made electricity soft as a bed
I am the Kanye West Kanye West thinks he is
When he shoves your ass off the stage
I am the real Kanye West
I don’t get around much anymore
I never have
I only come alive after a war
And we have not had it yet
Itt pedig Leonard Cohen utolsó verseiről szóló cikkünket olvashatod.